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抖音鼻毛摇音乐:《Worth It》



美女 宝贝 今夜不让你入睡 跟随我们的音乐节奏 森体开始挪动 艾瑞巴蒂 康忙 扑 想你~~你一点都不胖 我不许你减肥 知道吗 要保持自己完美的体型



歌手:Fifth Harmony / KiD Ink


Worth It试听地址:http://music.163.com/#/song?id=30212890

Give it to me I'm worth it
将你献给我吧 我值得你一试
Baby I'm worth it
Uh huh I'm worth it
啊啊 我值得你尝试一次
Gimme gimme I'm worth it
宝贝将你献给我吧 我值得你一试
Give it to me I'm worth it
将你献给我吧 我值得你一试
Baby I'm worth it
Uh huh I'm worth it
啊啊 我值得你尝试一次
Gimme gimme I'm worth it
宝贝将你献给我吧 我值得你一试
Okay, I tell her bring it back like she left some
好吧 我会叫她再来一遍 像是她有所保留
Bring it Bring it back like she left some
叫她再来一遍 像是她有所保留
Uh in the club with the lights off
啊 夜店里所有灯光熄灭
What you actin shy fo', come and show me that you
为什么你那么矜持害羞 来吧 向我展示吧
wid it, wid it, wid it, wid it, wid it
尽情向我展示吧 展示吧
Stop playin', how you know that I
不要再开玩笑了 你怎么知道我不值得一试呢
wid it, wid it, wid it, wid it, wid it, wid it
尽情向我展示吧 展示吧
What you actin shy for
Just give me you, just give me you
就给我真实的你 向我展示真实的你
Just give me you, that's all I wanna do
就给我真实的你 我只想要你
And if what they say is true, if its true
I might give me to you
I may take a lot of stuff
Guaranteed I can back it up
但我向你保证 我全力顶你
I think I'ma call you bluff
Hurry up, I'm waiting out front
快点 我会在门口一直等你
Uh huh, you see me in the spot like
啊啊 你看到了聚光灯下的我
oooh I love your style
哦哦 我爱你的个性
Uh huh, show me what you got,
啊啊 就向我尽情展现吧
cus I don't wanna waste my time
Uh huh, you see me in the spot like
啊啊 你看到了聚光灯下的我
oooh I love your style
哦哦 我爱你的个性
Uh huh, show me what you got
啊啊 就向我尽情展现吧
now come and make it worth my while
Give it to me I'm worth it
将你献给我吧 我值得你一试
Baby I'm worth it
Uh huh I'm worth it
啊啊 我值得你尝试一次
Gimme gimme I'm worth it
宝贝将你献给我吧 我值得你一试
Give it to me I'm worth it
将你献给我吧 我值得你一试
Baby I'm worth it
Uh huh I'm worth it
啊啊 我值得你尝试一次

Gimme gimme I'm worth it
宝贝将你献给我吧 我值得你一试
It's all on you, it's all on you
全都是你 想的全是你
It's all on you, so what you wanna do
想的全是你 你想怎么做
And if you don't have a clue, not a clue
如果你还是一无所知 一无所知
I'll tell you what to do
Come harder just because
I don't like it, like it too soft
我不喜欢这样 这样太过温柔
I like it a little rough, not too much,
我喜欢更粗鲁点 不要太过
but maybe just enough
Uh huh, you see me in the spot like
啊啊 你看到了聚光灯下的我
oooh I love your style
哦哦 我爱你的个性
Uh huh, show me what you got,
啊啊 就向我尽情展现吧
cus I don't wanna waste my time
Uh huh, you see me in the spot like
啊啊 你看到了聚光灯下的我
oooh I love your style
哦哦 我爱你的个性
Uh huh, show me what you got
啊啊 就向我尽情展现吧
now come and make it worth my while
Give it to me I'm worth it
将你献给我吧 我值得你一试
Baby I'm worth it
Uh huh I'm worth it
啊啊 我值得你尝试一次
Gimme gimme I'm worth it
宝贝将你献给我吧 我值得你一试
Give it to me I'm worth it
将你献给我吧 我值得你一试
Baby I'm worth it
Uh huh I'm worth it
啊啊 我值得你尝试一次
Gimme gimme I'm worth it
宝贝将你献给我吧 我值得你一试
Okay, I tell her bring it back like she left some
好吧 我会叫她再来一遍 像是她有所保留
Bring it Bring it back like she left some
叫她再来一遍 像是她有所保留
Uh in the club with the lights off
啊 夜店里所有灯光熄灭
What you actin shy fo', come and show me that you
为什么你那么矜持害羞 来吧 向我展示吧
wid it, wid it, wid it, wid it, wid it
尽情向我展示吧 展示吧
Stop playin', how you know that I
不要再开玩笑了 你怎么知道我不值得一试呢
wid it, wid it, wid it, wid it, wid it, wid it
尽情向我展示吧 展示吧
What you actin shy for
Uh huh, you see me in the spot like
啊啊 你看到了聚光灯下的我
oooh I love your style
哦哦 我爱你的个性
Uh huh, show me what you got,
啊啊 就向我尽情展现吧
cus I don't wanna waste my time
Uh huh, you see me in the spot like
啊啊 你看到了聚光灯下的我
oooh I love your style
哦哦 我爱你的个性
Uh huh, show me what you got
啊啊 就向我尽情展现吧
now come and make it worth my while
Give it to me I'm worth it
将你献给我吧 我值得你一试
Baby I'm worth it
Uh huh I'm worth it
啊啊 我值得你尝试一次
Gimme gimme I'm worth it
宝贝将你献给我吧 我值得你一试
Give it to me I'm worth it
将你献给我吧 我值得你一试
Baby I'm worth it
Uh huh I'm worth it
啊啊 我值得你尝试一次
Gimme gimme I'm worth it
宝贝将你献给我吧 我值得你一试



 不仅仅是喜欢  差不多先生  养生迪  红海行动
 发财中国年  小酒窝  说散就散  黑色毛衣
 心愿便利贴  文爱  告白气球  体面
 勇敢爱  大佬  天造地设  爱的就是你
 短发  佛系少女  好想你  棉花糖



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